Saturday, December 21, 2013
Holiday Season
It's Christmas in about three or so days and I haven't asked for much. Only the things I really want. Every Christmas since I was able to write, I would always put things on my list that I didn't need or really 'want'. A majority of the time, I had gotten things that I never even asked for. I was confused, yeah, but more so happy because I at least got something. I have always thought of Christmas of a time for presents and food and parties with my family. Well, as I got older, I had got to thinking about what Christmas really means. In my perspective, it is a time for gathering around a tree celebrating the day that Jesus was born. It is also a day to be greatful for the people and gifts that you recieve. I know many of you that look at my blog may be Jewish or some other type of religion. I am not against any other religion at all. Yet, my family (as Catholics) choose to celebrate Christmas more than Hanuka, or Kwanzaa or anything else that I may have not said. We are not as religious as we used to be about 5 or 6 years ago where we went to church every Sunday because that was God's day. And although we never did follow the rule that if you are going to drink on God's day, do not buy beer or alcohol on Sunday, buy it on a week day or Saturday. This is a rule that I would love to follow because of all the sports that go on that day and plus, then there won't be many drinkers driving after they drink. So, then Sunday would be a safe day if you were to go out that day and go to church in the afternoon for late mass or something else. Many people don't know this, but I do believe in God. Not many things, but enough to know He isn't coming back to life. I see preachers on the sidewalks in Hollywood and Los Angeles that just hope and wish and dream that He will come down from Heaven and just dominate us again. The Jewish people that are alive today do not worship God for 1 reason. There have been tales of God being Jewish and then leaving the Jewish because He didn't want to associate with them anymore. From the stories, that is true. But in my opinion, He was never any religion. He chose what He wanted to be by just deciding. They never said He was baptized. From what I read that is. I was baptized a Catholic girl and I had only my communion. I never did really understand the day of your communion. I still don't but I kind of get the point of it. I think it is a day that you give yourself to God as a loyal human and promise to him to not sin. Remember: that is only what I think, but not sure if I am a hundred percent correct. Excuse me if I am wrong. But to wrap up this blog, I just want to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, and Happy Kwanzaa. Bye Everyone!!! :) <3 God Bless and Stay Safe!!! :) Happy Holidays!! Happy New Year!!! 2014!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
It's Like It Just Begun
Have you ever felt the heat? Not like the sun, but like the pressure. When you can hear the clock, "tick, tock, tick, tock" and the sweat drips down your cheek like you have never been so nervous in your life. Then, the moment you had been waiting for. The clock strikes 8 and there is no one to help you now. The day begins with a bang. You get pushed and shoved, and potentially ran over as others try to get to their assigned places before the final bell. You walk in with a smile on your face ready to start your day, when you see from the corner of your eye, the person you dread coming in contact with for the rest of your high school life, walks towards you. Everyone in the room stops. They stare as though a bomb just went off. Your worst nightmare stands right in front of you and says "Do you have it?", as you answer back very confused yet still staying strong without making a single movement or eye contact, "Have what, ma'm?". It shrugs and says, "You know 'what'. Do you have your homework?". As you glance up, it is only your teacher. Yes, your worst nightmare. As the night before you had been cramming for a test and forgot all about your other assignments that you have no time at all to say "yes" and pull it out complete because you copied off a kid that sits next to you. "I'm sorry, I had forgotten and it will never happen again." The teacher responds with a slight smirk on her face. "Yeah, well it better not. Sit down!", as the teacher demands you to do so, you have no clue what to do next, but to keep looking down as everyone's eyes direct themselves to you getting yelled at by the mean old witch. Is it wrong that I didn't do it? Yes and No, but I could have made more time to do it. I should have been more responsible this time, and I will the next time. Class went on as a few people didn't stop looking until I had given them the 'evil eye'. It was almost time for next period and the teacher suggested that I stayed after class for a word or two. I was sweating like a pig, like I had never been so scared in my life. The last thing I thought to do before I went up to her was to tell my parents I love them and wish them a happy life. But, I knew it wasn't going to go that far. I am a visioner, okay. Therefore, I cannot help it. I went up to her and all I could do was keep looking down and say, "Yes, ma'm. Why did you ask me to stay after?". She didn't seem so pleased, like she thought I could read her mind and figure out what she was going to do to me. "Well, for starters, I don't understand why you didn't do the assignment because all you had to do was about 35 problems and it was a piece of cake.", she has questioned me again and suggested that I had finished it and turn it in late. I was thinking while she was saying that was "I wonder what would happen if I said a retorical question and asked "if it was such a piece of cake, why don't you do it for me" but of course she would respond with some smart-alec comment and then I'd get a detention."But, of course I didn't say that. I was definitely,thinking it though as I walked away while saying "okay, I guess I can make room in my busy schedule just for you" as I walked out of the room with the same smirk she had given me earlier. Otherwise, the rest of my day was lovely.
Hello my readers;
This little short story was just random and off the top of my head. I did not intend this to be toward any of my teachers and I hope you all have a cheeky rest of your day!! :)
The Writer.
Hello my readers;
This little short story was just random and off the top of my head. I did not intend this to be toward any of my teachers and I hope you all have a cheeky rest of your day!! :)
The Writer.
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