Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Who Knew?

Hey everyone! So, I had just watched a "How to make astronaut ice cream" video and it showed that there is a point in the experiment where you go from solid ice cream right into the vapor. Than, you have liquid and vapor, liquid being on top, than a little "X" on the space to the right in the middle of the two. Well, many know that there is a critical point where you cannot go from liquid to vapor because certain things will turn the experiment into a failure of some short. Well, that is when you have to go around that critical point and you make that experiment work. The video wasn't very helpful on how to get around that "critical point" between the liquid and the vapor part. So, I can't tell you how to do so, but I did find it interesting that not many people know that there is a way around an experiment like so, where you have to use that in order to make the experiment a success. I just wanted to share that because unlike myself who is only in High School, does not know that there are differences to things and ways around certain experiments to make it work if there is a road block.

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