Saturday, December 21, 2013
Holiday Season
It's Christmas in about three or so days and I haven't asked for much. Only the things I really want. Every Christmas since I was able to write, I would always put things on my list that I didn't need or really 'want'. A majority of the time, I had gotten things that I never even asked for. I was confused, yeah, but more so happy because I at least got something. I have always thought of Christmas of a time for presents and food and parties with my family. Well, as I got older, I had got to thinking about what Christmas really means. In my perspective, it is a time for gathering around a tree celebrating the day that Jesus was born. It is also a day to be greatful for the people and gifts that you recieve. I know many of you that look at my blog may be Jewish or some other type of religion. I am not against any other religion at all. Yet, my family (as Catholics) choose to celebrate Christmas more than Hanuka, or Kwanzaa or anything else that I may have not said. We are not as religious as we used to be about 5 or 6 years ago where we went to church every Sunday because that was God's day. And although we never did follow the rule that if you are going to drink on God's day, do not buy beer or alcohol on Sunday, buy it on a week day or Saturday. This is a rule that I would love to follow because of all the sports that go on that day and plus, then there won't be many drinkers driving after they drink. So, then Sunday would be a safe day if you were to go out that day and go to church in the afternoon for late mass or something else. Many people don't know this, but I do believe in God. Not many things, but enough to know He isn't coming back to life. I see preachers on the sidewalks in Hollywood and Los Angeles that just hope and wish and dream that He will come down from Heaven and just dominate us again. The Jewish people that are alive today do not worship God for 1 reason. There have been tales of God being Jewish and then leaving the Jewish because He didn't want to associate with them anymore. From the stories, that is true. But in my opinion, He was never any religion. He chose what He wanted to be by just deciding. They never said He was baptized. From what I read that is. I was baptized a Catholic girl and I had only my communion. I never did really understand the day of your communion. I still don't but I kind of get the point of it. I think it is a day that you give yourself to God as a loyal human and promise to him to not sin. Remember: that is only what I think, but not sure if I am a hundred percent correct. Excuse me if I am wrong. But to wrap up this blog, I just want to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, and Happy Kwanzaa. Bye Everyone!!! :) <3 God Bless and Stay Safe!!! :) Happy Holidays!! Happy New Year!!! 2014!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
It's Like It Just Begun
Have you ever felt the heat? Not like the sun, but like the pressure. When you can hear the clock, "tick, tock, tick, tock" and the sweat drips down your cheek like you have never been so nervous in your life. Then, the moment you had been waiting for. The clock strikes 8 and there is no one to help you now. The day begins with a bang. You get pushed and shoved, and potentially ran over as others try to get to their assigned places before the final bell. You walk in with a smile on your face ready to start your day, when you see from the corner of your eye, the person you dread coming in contact with for the rest of your high school life, walks towards you. Everyone in the room stops. They stare as though a bomb just went off. Your worst nightmare stands right in front of you and says "Do you have it?", as you answer back very confused yet still staying strong without making a single movement or eye contact, "Have what, ma'm?". It shrugs and says, "You know 'what'. Do you have your homework?". As you glance up, it is only your teacher. Yes, your worst nightmare. As the night before you had been cramming for a test and forgot all about your other assignments that you have no time at all to say "yes" and pull it out complete because you copied off a kid that sits next to you. "I'm sorry, I had forgotten and it will never happen again." The teacher responds with a slight smirk on her face. "Yeah, well it better not. Sit down!", as the teacher demands you to do so, you have no clue what to do next, but to keep looking down as everyone's eyes direct themselves to you getting yelled at by the mean old witch. Is it wrong that I didn't do it? Yes and No, but I could have made more time to do it. I should have been more responsible this time, and I will the next time. Class went on as a few people didn't stop looking until I had given them the 'evil eye'. It was almost time for next period and the teacher suggested that I stayed after class for a word or two. I was sweating like a pig, like I had never been so scared in my life. The last thing I thought to do before I went up to her was to tell my parents I love them and wish them a happy life. But, I knew it wasn't going to go that far. I am a visioner, okay. Therefore, I cannot help it. I went up to her and all I could do was keep looking down and say, "Yes, ma'm. Why did you ask me to stay after?". She didn't seem so pleased, like she thought I could read her mind and figure out what she was going to do to me. "Well, for starters, I don't understand why you didn't do the assignment because all you had to do was about 35 problems and it was a piece of cake.", she has questioned me again and suggested that I had finished it and turn it in late. I was thinking while she was saying that was "I wonder what would happen if I said a retorical question and asked "if it was such a piece of cake, why don't you do it for me" but of course she would respond with some smart-alec comment and then I'd get a detention."But, of course I didn't say that. I was definitely,thinking it though as I walked away while saying "okay, I guess I can make room in my busy schedule just for you" as I walked out of the room with the same smirk she had given me earlier. Otherwise, the rest of my day was lovely.
Hello my readers;
This little short story was just random and off the top of my head. I did not intend this to be toward any of my teachers and I hope you all have a cheeky rest of your day!! :)
The Writer.
Hello my readers;
This little short story was just random and off the top of my head. I did not intend this to be toward any of my teachers and I hope you all have a cheeky rest of your day!! :)
The Writer.
Monday, November 4, 2013
The Person Who Will Never Be Forgotten
Hello world, and I say that because there are other people around the world, such as people in Bolivia and France, reading my blog. I am very grateful for all of you. I am writing today because I haven't been the best person I should be. I mean that in the way of remorse. Last year, on the day after my birthday June 18,2012, the person who meant the world to me passed. My Uncle Billy is my guardian angel. He was the best uncle you could ask for. I remember the last words he said to me "I love you" and that was about a week or so before my 15th birthday. I never got to say goodbye. I may only be 15, but that was the last thing a girl could say to the person she looks up to. I keep picturing it in my head. Just like a flashback. Looking at myself regretting ever letting him go. I know he is in a better place, though. So, I thank God for that. I wish I could just see him one last time, to talk to him when he isn't in pain. I was about 3,000 miles away from him. The last time I had said "Goodbye" was in 2010 in August. That is when we were moving. Oh, how I miss everyone. I try to pray every night and talk to my uncle every night before I go to bed. I'm crying right now just thinking about what I could have done to help him. He had died about 1 hour or 1 and 1/2 hours after my birthday had past. (so about 1 or 1:30 am) I had gotten a call before I went to bed from my aunt telling me that she was sorry and that my uncle had passed. It's heartbreaking to know that I didn't talk to him before he died. He called me on my birthday, too. He wished me a Happy Birthday and to be honest, I wanted to tell him it wasn't a happy one when someone I loved was being hurt by something that is so powerful, it cannot be stopped. It hurts so much just to think about it. When I visit back to Illinois (in US) I plan to visit my uncle's grave. I plan to pray and talk to him when I see it. I will ball my eyes out because I miss him so much and the only thing left I have of him is a teddy bear with a Cubs jacket on it. That was the gift I received when I had my communion. It's truly heart breaking to know that I didn't try to do anything. I partly thought that not talking to him each and every day up until his passing, was my fault. I actually would have liked him to pass on my birthday because then he and I would have had some kind of connection, a memory of him rather than just a bear that I look at every night.
This post is in memory of my Uncle Billy 6/18/12 I love you <3
This post is in memory of my Uncle Billy 6/18/12 I love you <3
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Who Knew?
Hey everyone! So, I had just watched a "How to make astronaut ice cream" video and it showed that there is a point in the experiment where you go from solid ice cream right into the vapor. Than, you have liquid and vapor, liquid being on top, than a little "X" on the space to the right in the middle of the two. Well, many know that there is a critical point where you cannot go from liquid to vapor because certain things will turn the experiment into a failure of some short. Well, that is when you have to go around that critical point and you make that experiment work. The video wasn't very helpful on how to get around that "critical point" between the liquid and the vapor part. So, I can't tell you how to do so, but I did find it interesting that not many people know that there is a way around an experiment like so, where you have to use that in order to make the experiment a success. I just wanted to share that because unlike myself who is only in High School, does not know that there are differences to things and ways around certain experiments to make it work if there is a road block.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Journal #2/3
Hey Y'all! So, you may be wondering why it says "Journal #2/3". Well, it s because I didn't really want to share with y'all my second journal. I'll tell you what it was about though so that you get an idea. It was about First World Problems and I kind of didn't understand the meaning of it and I still don't at the moment, but it is just hard to wrap around my head and I had written about more of a Main World Problem than a FWP. So that's why! But I have another journal I can write about! Beware, it is kind of a long one and this time we had to do about two paragraphs not just one big one! So here you go!!
This Journal (#3) is about a video we had watched in class about the trait "Courage" and I didn't find this journal to be one of my good ones. The teacher had written off the the said "Courage comes in different ways!" and I do understand that, I always have, but I understand why she said that now. So let's get crackin'!
This Journal (#3) is about a video we had watched in class about the trait "Courage" and I didn't find this journal to be one of my good ones. The teacher had written off the the said "Courage comes in different ways!" and I do understand that, I always have, but I understand why she said that now. So let's get crackin'!
Journal #3
The video (we watched one in class) illustrates the character trait "courage" by having the fight of a lifetime. Not only does it bring you pain and suffering, but it can bring you confidence, strength, and encouragment. Courage is being caring, being strong for yourself , as well as others. Not only does it bring you joy and others too, it brings a smile upon others faces.
A time when I needed courage was when I lost my uncle and Godfather Billy. He was one of the most amazing people in my life. He died about 2 hours or so after my birthday. On June 18, 2012, I couldn't believe my eyes. Everything I wished for had been taken from me. I had wished he would hopefully fight the cancer he had. He had tumors on his bladder that were unable to be moved. I had been 2,000 miles away from him and I didn't see him for about 2 and a half years. He was the best Godfather and uncle a girl could ever have. He was so inspiring. He was in the air force, which I could never forget. It has been 1 year so far and it still, to this day, difficult to talk about. I needed so much courage. I had lost my favorite person in the world. I was empty minded and I also had no reason to succeed besides for him. I felt no need to do what I wanted. I am doing what I'm doing today for him. And him only. I am happ, yet sad still. My sight were the memories I shared with him. Such as; on my 12th birthday, we had a party and at the time he worked for a toy company. Well, he gave me a Chicago Cubs bear and until this day, I have it on my night stand to remind myself that he is looking down on me and giving me this courage that I had lost. Hearing his voice is like hearing someone with an amazing voice, sing. The touch of the bear makes me feel loved and let's me know that someone is there keeping me in tact and make sure I keep being couragous. The smell of his calon reminds me of him. The taste of him favorite food(s) kills me to know how good he had it
That was my third Journal. This is a very hard story to talk about because I lost someone that I loved so deeply, but I pray every night that he is doing well and I like to pray to act like I'm talking to him. I will sometimes lay in bed at night and think, "Wow. I just wish you were still here." and that is all I can ever think about. I know he is looking down on my and thinking "You can do it! I know you can!" and those words from him mean everything. I remember that when I was a bit younger, at every party, I would make sure he was the last one I hugged and say "I Love You" to. Man, I miss those days.
Love Always,
Steph :)
Thinking Back To The Beginning
Hey Y'all! So, I was thinking about stuff and I was looking back at things from summer school and I realized that as one of posts, I could put my Journal Entries that we had to do for the second session of Summer school. :) here you go! (and a little explanation of what I was writing about!!)
Alright! Well, first things first, I want to tell you what I was writing about for "Journal #1". I kind of liked this journal entry because it got my creative juices flowing and really got that personality out there that a reader of any kind is really looking for such as the detail. Well, we had to write about a day in our summer that we had and I had written about going to the beach. Let's take a look!!!
Alright! Well, first things first, I want to tell you what I was writing about for "Journal #1". I kind of liked this journal entry because it got my creative juices flowing and really got that personality out there that a reader of any kind is really looking for such as the detail. Well, we had to write about a day in our summer that we had and I had written about going to the beach. Let's take a look!!!
Journal #1
So, this summer , I went to the thrilling beach of Laguna Beach, California. I was extatic to go in the magestic blue water that we call the ocean. When my sister and I arrived at the populous, surf spot; there was no where in sight to park. There were cars in every direction. I could tell the 2-foot waves wouldn't even swat a fly if it tried. I had my "lifegaurd" boogie board, all ready to ride; then we came to a holt. At that very moment, I had not a single doubt in my mind that I wasn't going to be on an adventure anytime soon. Luckily, when we left the amazingly, low tide, beach and headed back to our humble abode; we had yet to figure out a big magestical creature was stinging people and the sandy beauty at Laguna Beach had been evacuated faster than you can run from a bull. No one at the seashore was happy to find out their celebratory weekend, due to the 4th of July, was disruppted by a creature with very many tenticles, named "The Black Jellyfish". That was the journey my sister and I, had over the summer.
So, there it is. The journey my sister and I had taken over the summer, to a beach where we didn't even get out of the car, it was so exciting! (sarcasm) Anyways, I hope you liked it and I hope that you have an awesome Labor Day weekend or just an awesome day depending on when you are reading this. :)
Love Always,
Steph :)
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Living The Cali Life
I live in California and I moved here about 3 years ago, almost. I love it here. It is amazing; the view; the people. It's just breath taking and just, wow. If people that live in other countries and other states are reading my blog and stuff; I strongly suggest you visit the U.S. sometime and come to Southern California. You will love it. The beaches and the waves can be cold, but once you get in the water and really start swimming or surfing, it is so much fun. It is a very big hot spot here and you can't miss it when you're here. I promise y'all will have a blast. I can't even begin to explain how much fun I have had here in just those short 3 years. I have met so many people and so many people that just like to inspire others with 1 choice of their actions. I have been inspired by so many people I have never met. It is just so amazing. Anyways, I'm just saying how beautiful and inspiring California can be and I honestly don't understand why California gets such bad comments and reviews because of some actions due to others and the violence that happens here. That happens every few years. But, what you think, is what you think. And I'm sure as heck not going to try and change that. :)
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Learning Different Things Everyday
I was on YouTube and I was watching these videos that have interesting things in them. Such as; some birds' eyes get very irritated if they don't shield them with a leather cap to protect their eyes. Honey (the food) has many different viscositys to it and that's is part of the main reason why it makes different patterns when it is falling. It has a straight line, than goes to a sort of circular movement in the line. That is how it gets it's patterns. Falcons, eagles, and very many birds have the ability to control their whole wing. They can make different feathers do different things. Just like an airplane wing, but an airplane's wing can only control certain parts with a control panel of some sort. On the other hand, large birds as these can control them in different ways and they have the ability to control the whole wing at once. 70% of the wing stoke of a Hummingbird to stay up in the air, is their front stoke of their wings and hen 30% is their back stroke. It IS possible to light a match with a bullet (proven on camera). It isn't possible to light a straight line of matches because the bullet's tragectary gets off balance due to hitting the match heads. If you light-pan with a lit-up toy helicopter at night, it just looks like a slinky. Yet, it shows where the bouncing points are in the helicopter's path. In order to make houses in Africa, they used very little supplies. Water, and dirt. So, they live in mud blocks. A gold fish can catch a bullet in it's mouth (also proven on camera). If you drop a rock in water, what is called a cavity, opens up. It has all that air, and nowhere to go so, it slaps back up because there is a discontinuity in pressure.
So, figuring all of these weird little interesting things was fun. I found out things I didn't even think I would be interested in, like the honey one. It was actually very cool. So, that is what I learned today from YouTube. So, yeah. Bye!
Monday, July 22, 2013
Session 2 of the Worst Summer Ever
So, as some of you may know; I am in summer school and that is how I created this blog in the first place. Well, I want to take this with me in my journey. I think that blogging, in a way, helps me express myself in many different ways. I can talk to people and they will actually listen to what I have to say. I have been in summer school since the start of summer on um.... let's see here. Ah! That's right! July 1st, 2013.
It's torture, trust me. After this I am definitely trying now in high school. I started failing because one of my closest relatives passed away. He was my Godfather and my Uncle. He always cared and he was there when you needed a good laugh. It was always kind of awkward, but he gave the best presents. Such as; for my 11th or 12th birthday, he gave me a teddy bear with a cubs jacket on. It is so cute! I still have it and I keep it in my bed so that I will think of him when I am having a bad day or something. I can turn and look at it and it will always be there. Another reason why I started to fail High School, was because I have never liked school unless I was doing something in Drama (drama production). I love to act and it is one of my passions and I can't live without it, let me just say that.Also, not to mention, my teacher was not a "fun" teacher. Like, she would start reading a book out loud to the class and she would stop in the middle of the paragraph just to talk about that one thing, then go off topic for another hour. It was boring. That's why I never paid attention in her class because she was so boring and it just bugged the crap out of me when she went off topic. That is probably one of my pet peeves. I just can't stand it. Ugh. Anyways, so that is why I started to flunk High School in Freshmen year. It is so stupid. I know. I have my parents yelling at me for it already, but it's whatever. I want to try and "try" this year. Sophomore year isn't a really big deal, but my parents think I need to live up to some expectations. They probably want me to be just like my sister Ally. I'm so tired of her never getting in trouble if she has an F in a class, but when I have a D it's like I burnt the house down or something. I don't know. I just feel like the only reason why I live here is for them to take their horrible day(s) out on me. Nobody else, just me. Whatever. I have to do homework now so.... bye!
:/ Bleh; homework.
It's torture, trust me. After this I am definitely trying now in high school. I started failing because one of my closest relatives passed away. He was my Godfather and my Uncle. He always cared and he was there when you needed a good laugh. It was always kind of awkward, but he gave the best presents. Such as; for my 11th or 12th birthday, he gave me a teddy bear with a cubs jacket on. It is so cute! I still have it and I keep it in my bed so that I will think of him when I am having a bad day or something. I can turn and look at it and it will always be there. Another reason why I started to fail High School, was because I have never liked school unless I was doing something in Drama (drama production). I love to act and it is one of my passions and I can't live without it, let me just say that.Also, not to mention, my teacher was not a "fun" teacher. Like, she would start reading a book out loud to the class and she would stop in the middle of the paragraph just to talk about that one thing, then go off topic for another hour. It was boring. That's why I never paid attention in her class because she was so boring and it just bugged the crap out of me when she went off topic. That is probably one of my pet peeves. I just can't stand it. Ugh. Anyways, so that is why I started to flunk High School in Freshmen year. It is so stupid. I know. I have my parents yelling at me for it already, but it's whatever. I want to try and "try" this year. Sophomore year isn't a really big deal, but my parents think I need to live up to some expectations. They probably want me to be just like my sister Ally. I'm so tired of her never getting in trouble if she has an F in a class, but when I have a D it's like I burnt the house down or something. I don't know. I just feel like the only reason why I live here is for them to take their horrible day(s) out on me. Nobody else, just me. Whatever. I have to do homework now so.... bye!
:/ Bleh; homework.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I Wonder....
I wonder why people bully me. I know we are supposed to be beautiful and inspiring and other things like that, but why bully? I know that we accept the love that we think we deserve, but why do people that bully make us feel useless? Like we all of a sudden don't matter. I feel like we have no way to control what happens in life. I'm not as religious as others, but I think sometimes, that God can tell us why people are like this. I have never wanted to get bullied, but the past 9 years has been so hard. I am a sophomore and now and it started in kinder garden and it's still happening. All I can ask now is "when will it stop?"
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Being myself is more than "living the dream". It's more like being a wallflower. I'm different in my own ways and it is amazing. The perks of being a wallflower is challenging, but the best thing about life because it lets me express who I really am.
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cc richardss838 |
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