Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What Music Is To Me!

       I can't even begin to explain what music is to me. It's a journey, it's a scapegoat, it's my life and it's the only thing that makes me feel connected to anything anymore. I don't know what I would do without it. I put in my headphones, walk to my special place that I have never showed anybody (but other people may know about it) and I escape this hectic world of violence, disloyal, and hatred people. I try to stay positive and I keep all my thoughts in this sort of "bubble" in my head. I get to my "special place" and I let them go. They are free as well as myself. When I make music, I take everything I have from the hate and the disgust and I ball it all up into this massive thing and I start writing. If I start writing, you can't get me to stop. I have so many juices flowing in my head, I don't know which ones should be written down on paper or just kept to myself.
      When I started this blog, I didn't expect people to even see it. I didn't really want people to see it, but now I'm all about letting people into my life just by reading their computer screen. It's amazing how much you can get to know a person just by reading about what they post. Such as; what kind of person they are, how they are usually presented as, if they are positive or negative about a lot of things, and really if they are just good at writing and stuff. I think that you shouldn't have to know a person to understand how they feel, if you know what I mean. It's hard to explain, but easy if you knew what I was talking about.
       It's only a matter of time until I try and produce my songs. I am writing and writing and writing, but none of them seem to turn out so good except a few. I have so many random verses everywhere I don't know what sounds right anymore. I will figure it out eventually I guess. Time to go play some guitar and write some more! Goodnight!

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