Sunday, September 28, 2014

God Is On My Side

      I can't ask for anyone more supportive and caring then God's son. I have only known him for a little while, but you can really get to know someone in less then 3 days! We met at the first football game of the 2014-2015 school year. I'm a junior and he is a senior. God may have created him, but his parents raised him right. He has been nothing but the best thing in my life since the 5th of September. It was a simple late night and just hanging with friends and chilling watching a great game by our school against another school and although we were losing, I had something else in mind then to win the game. I wanted to win his name. The tall, Persian, and cute guy in the blue shirt! Ha! His name is not going be revealed for like personal issues. 
     September 9th, 2014 was the single best day of my entire life. From everything in my past to just yesterday, I could tell my boyfriend everything and he just listened. He didn't judge, didn't hesitate to ask me anything, and never questioned a single thing only asked the reasons I did what I did. I have changed. Not just my school life, but my life in general. I don't swear as much as I did 3 weeks ago and I didn't feel like I did 1 week ago. He saved my life, literally. I fell apart again about a week or so ago and he saved me. He told me what there was to live for. God's child has just fallen into my arms and I have never been happier. God not only sends me visions about my future, but also sends me what could happen if I did anything bad. Like, if I left, God sends me this vision of what the future would be like for my boyfriend. One of those visions was him sitting by the stone wondering why it had to end that way and how he failed me. I never want to see him do that in real life because if I could, I would do that for my uncle. It's the worst thing in the world to even get that vision going through my mind. 
     I'm not super religious, but I am a little. I may not go to church, but that doesn't mean I'm not Catholic. Not only do I think that God sent me this handsome and intelligent guy, but I believe that it was just luck. I have my doubts, but not on this pot of gold. If you see this, I love you <3
     Thank you for being such a great person and keeping me alive, keeping me healthy, and safe. Thank you for protecting me and making me feel like I'm everything to you. I couldn't ask for anything or anyone else. You go through 2 hour Mock Trial meetings just to support me, that's how crazy you are. You told me that you did that because you cared about me and that you want to support me in my acting career. I'll never forget the time we get to have together. I'm glad we are where we stand today. I couldn't picture it with anyone else. <3 You are the best boyfriend ever. 

Good night everyone or Good morning where ever you are in the world. <3 Thank you for tagging along on the journey I'm on. :) 

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Chance of a Life Time

     Have you ever sat in a waiting room? Waiting for someone to get out of surgery? Well, I am right now as I am writing this. It's life a real life Grey's Anatomy. The doctors, the nurses, the people waiting for their loved ones as well. I sit and type this on my computer thinking about what life would be like if I had cancer or some kind of disease that required me to be paralyzed or have me stuck in a hospital. Or even what it is like to work on the human body; the guts, the gruesome parts that make you cringe, and even the things that make you think about how it all works. I would want to be someone who sits in that little box and watches the surgery. Learn what part does what and most of all, what it would be like to perform surgery on someone. What if you got that chance to see a surgery or be in that room performing it? How would you react in that situation? What would be your first task?
        The entry to the hospital isn't so exciting. I see doctors roaming about (most likely to go see a patient's family member) and I see people with stickers on their shirts walking around. They look very anxious; like they are in need of an update of their loved one asap. I understand that you do, but it's the point that it takes time for a surgery or any surgery at all to happen. The doctor might prepare by washing his/her hands and putting on the proper clothing for the operation. As I look out the door to the Surgery Waiting Room, I see a pregnant woman. She is rubbing her stomach and moving very apprehensively. Her friend (or whatever her relationship was with her) was bending her legs one time after another. It was almost like they were waiting for some kind of results of a test of some kind, but I can't make out their reason for being here. Only the doctor can do that.
        There are palms trees and bamboo and paintings around the plaza and in the waiting rooms. I seem to believe that the painting are there for not only decor, but to get a kind of calm feeling to the room and get their minds off the fact that they are here for and for little kids to look at because their minds tend to explore more then they can even comprehend. I kind of chuckle at that because they seem to see everything at the same time, but all of a sudden stop and ask the only thing that we hate them asking.... "why?" It's a phase all kids go through. We, humans, call it the 'Why Phase'. It's funny, but can get annoying. Anyways, I think the trees and plants are mainly to make the room less intense and more calm. That's pretty much everything I can think of that they have in a hospital waiting room. Off to the recovery room for my sister. (She just had surgery on her neck/ spinal cord due to a tumor that had been growing for about 2 years or so. I'm glad she is good and her surgery took about 7 hours. Wow. that wasn't even expected by the doctor, but I'm happy they got all the tumor out of her neck and she is doing good.)

Night Guys!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My Biggest Fear

Your touch is what I fear most. I told you otherwise. I said a car accident, not that I'm not afraid of getting into a crash, but I've never been in any real man's arms. It's all a mystery to me and with everything from my past I just don't know how to be so open-armed with you. I don't know how I'll act or what will happen. I apologize in advance, I don't want you to think otherwise. No man has touched me; Gently that is. It has me scared to death as to what you can do to me, although I know you won't hurt me. It's just the capability you have to hurt me in such a bad manner. We like each other and I can't believe that someone likes me for me, but not only for what I've kept from them but everything inside and out. It's the second time. I've cried. I even debated on moving on, but that's not an option right now. I just want you to trust me; let me in, like I did for you. I'm glad someone can actually not judge me based on my past. That's what makes you special. You're like no other, a one of a kind some might say. I'm glad we met and I'm glad that we are friends. I want to explore this year and see where this relationship takes us. Go on the journey with me, it will be fun. I promise. 

No matter where you are, I'll be there.
-The Writer